Thursday, January 18, 2007

More About Student Loan Consolidation Programs

Student loan consolidation programs are specially designed to cater to those who are debt ridden because of educational loans. A student loan debt consolidation program can lower your monthly payments considerably. This is possible because your loan payment term will be extended and generally you will not even be liable to pay prepayment penalties either. The student loan consolidation programs ensure much lower interest rates, on par with those offered by federal student loan programs.

getting started with a student loan debt consolidation program is simple and usually doesn't even require a new credit check. It is a good idea to consolidate your student loans as soon as possible. Many advisors suggest that students should consider a loan consolidation program as soon as they owe an excess of $7,500 in outstanding federal student loans in order to see if they can ease their monthly loan repayments. These loans could include PLUS loans. A low, fixed interest rate is offered for most consolidation loans.

For those students who have recently graduated, student loan debt consolidation programs can result in savings and extend their grace period. In case you fit in this criterion and have not yet started making payments towards your loan, you might even qualify for an additional 0.60% interest rate reduction. This reduction is generally not a limited period offer and continues for the complete period of the loan. This special rate offer can result in considerable savings. While negotiating, you may request a grace period for your debt consolidation.

A student loan debt consolidation program can pay off in many different ways. Students who have $20,000 or more in student loans to be repaid can qualify for a cash refund and an additional 1% rate reduction. This is applicable after making 48 timely payments. The system is very simple and easy to understand.

Debt consolidation programs help ease repayment responsibilities and lower your monthly payments. In case you have a direct loan as well, you could choose to include it in your student debt consolidation loan. Most debt consolidation services permit you to send in applications on the their debt consolidation loan website itself. Various companies offer different interest rates. The interest rate calculated on a consolidation loan is based on the weighted average of the interest rates on the loans that you choose to consolidate. The estimated debt consolidation quote is rounded to the next highest one-eighth of one percent. However, this projected debt consolidation loan rate should not surpass 8.25 percent. The rate that is decided upon becomes a fixed rate and does not fluctuate through the life of the debt consolidation loan.

Most students require loans to cover graduate school expenses. When combined with the load burden from undergraduate studies, this can result in a large debt load for somebody who is just starting out after school. Apart from concentrating on acquiring a new job that allows them to repay the loans, they are burdened with the responsibility of making payments on several student loans. To avoid defaulting the payment, it is best to speak to a loan counselor and check which student loan consolidation program best suits your needs.

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